Saturday, December 20, 2008

Who are you really doing it for?

While I agree that there is nothing wrong with wanting a better lifestyle for your family and yourself. I don't think it should cost you everything to reach your goals. Sometimes we strive so hard to achieve goals and to better our lifestyles that we lose track of the very people that we claim to be doing our life's work to support. Therefore, I must ask you who are you really doing it for?

When you come home one day and find out that you are living with complete strangers. I must ask you who are you really doing it for?

When you identify yourself with material objects and bank accounts. I must ask you who are you really doing it for?

If you go to the store to buy some jewelery and you find yourself spending more on it then what your budget allows. I must ask you who are you really doing it for?

The things that we are blessed to have are just that... Blessings! They are not meant to define us nor for us to define other people by. When you begin to put a material value on the people you socialize with, the people you date and your family. You have just lessened your own value, because you put a price tag on something that should be priceless. When your material value begins to depreciate you will begin to see for sale and foreclosure signs appear in your relationships that were built on material value. Only people who really love and respect you will still be there and you will find that in most cases those were the people who you neglected the most.

So ask yourself "Who am I really doing it for?".

1 comment:

Serena W. said...

Wow this is a deep blog. I've lost friends because they were doing it for the rims, paychecks, bling and so much more forgetting the little peeps like me. It's funny because I know they will come back again hoping for a forgiving heart. People have to be careful and stop keeping up with the Jones' because it can trap you mentally, spiritually and emotionally.