Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shatter the Ceiling Above

The definition of the word ceiling according to is - the overhead interior surface of a room. In aeronautical terms the online dictionary references absolute ceiling which is- the maximum altitude at which an aircraft can operate under specified conditions. My definition of the word ceiling in reference to life is simple - Self-inflicted or circumstantial limitation (barring physically or sociological problems).

Now lets apply these definitions to our lives. When a ceiling exist in man, woman or child's life in the form of drugs, alcohol and/or physical abuse, lying, stealing and addiction of any kind, the individual and their families are robbed of their blessings. Consider this, when we are at home watching television or having a family meeting at the dinner table, we are protected and insulate by the walls and the ceiling above from the elements that are outside. Now consider a young man who drops out of school, begins selling drugs and becomes a father all by the age of 16 or a single mother of five who struggles to balance family, work and school or how about the young soldier that has been deployed for 18 to 24 month and is now returning home to a daughter that is now walking and talking and a wife that he has to orientate himself too because the distance the time away has allowed her to grow without him.

In each of these scenarios a ceiling exists. But the ceiling will only exist as long as the individual allows it too. The Bible states that "As a man thinkith so is he" that means as long as you think destructive and deceitful thoughts and travel on the lonely highway of despair you will continue in the same condition thus creating a ceiling for yourself. Initially, this ceiling is created in the mind through allowing life's issues and circumstance to take root. The mind acts as sponge and those seeds (thoughts) that you let in quickly begin to blossom. Those negative thoughts begin to crowd and block the positive thoughts and that ceiling over time becomes a mental prison that blocks many blessings.

How do you shatter the ceiling above?

1. Develop a spiritual relationship with God and pray - because your spiritual relationship with God + prayer will change all things.

2. Learn to forgive yourself for being a hostage to your mind. By forgiving yourself, you can learn to truly love yourself and the people around you.

3. Surround yourself with positive people and influences - the people that are around you greatly influence your perception and world views. So choose friends and constituencies wisely.

4. Shatter the ceiling above because your worth it! You are worthy of the blessings that God has for you!

If you think about the mind for a moment... the mind is limitless if nurtured and groomed properly. I can prove this to be true because everything that exists today started with two things: first, a thought and second, an action. Understanding these truths allows each individual to write a vision and be blessed or cursed by it. The choice is yours!

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