Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year's Resolution: Stop Procrastinating

With this new year in full swing, many of us have made promises and resolutions to become better in various areas in our lives. But, I wonder how many of us have already revolted against our own dreams and aspirations for this new year. Most of the time people make promise to themselves to lose weight or to become a better person in some way. I submit to you, to stop making promises for tomorrow that you can't begin today. Procrastination is a dream thief and it will rob you of all your blessings. As time passes by and you fail to act on your dreams and aspirations they become easier to shrug off or push back to the next day, month or year until puff there gone without a trace.

A couple of years ago someone told me that the graveyard is the richest place on earth because there lies the dreams and aspirations of many. In most cases those dreams and aspirations lie there in the graveyard because some those people failed to take action to bring them to life. The Bible says that "Faith without works is died" therefore, I encourage you to live a life of victory by putting some action towards your faith and begin living your dreams and aspirations today!

Happy New Year!
The Mentor

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